Supplier Responsiveness is one of the key issues that management teams are always concerned with. "How do I know many suppliers are responding in a timely manner to my requests?" Some might ask "Why should I even be concerned with this?" If you are in an outsourcing environment where you have customers relying on you to provide responses to a request in a timely manner then this becomes extremely important. Even if your customer is an internal customer likely their projects are time sensitive and if your suppliers are not submitting responses in a timely fashion then how responsive can you be to your customers? Well I often hear buyers say; "I have a pretty good idea of market price so I will just submit my own estimated cost with fudge factor built in." EEGGAADDSS!!! Your suppliers are the cost experts, they are the ones that should be supplying you with pricing not by educated guess.
The ability to measure supplier responsiveness is crucial in being able to evaluate your suppliers. Tools should be available to tell you how long it takes a supplier, from the time the request is submitted to the time the request is responded too. On a per request basis and overall for a time period. You should be reporting on the following areas:
Supplier, Quote ID, Time Sent, Time Opened, Time Submitted or Time Declined.
Then from a time range you should be able to evaluate;
Number of Quotes Submitted, Number Responded Too, Percentage of Responded, Number Declined, Percentage of Declined, Average Response Time, Average Decline Time.
This will give the buyer the ability to evaluate supplier responsiveness on an on-going basis to keep suppliers responding in a timely manner. Now if you do not actually DO anything with this information then what good is the information.
What to do with the information -
Once you have begun collecting this information you should make this information accessible to your suppliers instantaneously so a supplier can review at any time and be able to adjust their processes to keep up with your response standards. OH you don't have any response standards? Well take some time (3 to 6 months) to look at your suppliers response time overall and average out based on what ALL of your suppliers response times are and establish a set of criteria to meet your companies needs. There is not a given set of times or national standards for responsiveness, nor should there be. These standards should be set by each company to be able to meet their needs. Suppliers should be informed of your companies expectations and should decide whether they can meet those expectations on a regular basis. If they do not feel they can meet YOUR needs then you should consider whether they are the right supplier choice for your company. I can almost guarantee with a high degree of confidence, that if your expectations are reasonable, that most suppliers can meet those expectations that you establish and if they won't there is a supplier in the industry that will! Suppliers are willing to meet your needs as long as they have a way to be able to measure themselves and to be able to communicate with you when they cannot.
Once your criteria is established and you have communicated that criteria with your suppliers you MUST measure and evaluate them and be willing to call suppliers on the carpet when they do not meet your standards. In other words, some suppliers may pay you lip service when you communicate that criteria so you need to be prepared to implement any penalties that were agreed upon. The first time you issue penalties will likely be the last time you have to issue penalties. Suppliers learn quickly that if they agreed up front and you show that you are serious, they will comply with your standards. If they honestly have looked at their processes and cannot comply they will tell you and likely pull themselves out of the competition. Suppliers are in business to make money just like your company so if something is costing them they would rather walk away than to constantly flush money down a hole.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Evaluating Supplier Responsiveness
Posted by
John Ganger
5:04 PM
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